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Safety in plastic surgery

Our View

03 October 2012 | 2 minute read

The first rule of being a doctor is to do no harm. Elective plastic surgery, particularly aesthetic or cosmetic surgery is unique amongst the disciplines within surgery. It is performed on otherwise physically well people, who therefore volunteer for the surgery to be performed. As a result, I am highly sensitive to the importance of safety at every step of the plastic surgery journey.  Please click here ›

The plastic surgery journey starts from the very first consultation, with a careful medical history being taken, along with finding out about medications, allergies and other relevant conditions. If there are any concerns, I will always talk frankly about them, and, if necessary, request a review by my anaesthetist, records from your GP, or even the opinion of a colleague from another specialist.

Recently, for example, I saw a man in his 60s about surgery to his abdomen. I noted that he regularly took aspirin due to a concern about his risk of heart problems. From my point of view, the aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding during and after the operation due to its blood thinning properties. Therefore we organised a review by a cardiologist whose expert opinion was that it was safe for the aspirin to be stopped for a period before and after surgery. I am pleased to say that the surgery went well with no bleeding problems, and a delighted patient afterwards!

Please see here › for further information on safety in plastic surgery.

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