19 September 2012 | 1 minute read
This week we welcome Drs Claude LeLouarn, Fritz Barton and Alexis Verpaele to London for the annual BAAPS meeting, world leaders in their field. The focus will be on facial aesthetic surgery, with a real insight into the way this area is developing.
I had some very interesting conversations with Claude LeLouarn in Geneva at the ISAPS conference 2-weeks ago, and I look forward to catching up with him so soon! Fritz Barton is someone whose articles I have read, but who I have not heard lecture, so it will be interesting to hear his latest thoughts. Dr Verpaele was also at ISAPS, but I’m glad to see he is talking about a variety of topics, so we will be hearing new ideas as well as his views on his experience with his development of the MACS lift. I will report back with more news after the conference!